The announcement has been made! In 2012 we will be welcoming another member to our family! I can't tell you how excited I am, and how good God has been to me and my family! Our decision to have another baby, was not made lightly. We went back and forth several times. Chris and I talked, talked and talked about everything you can think that would impact having another baby. At times, we were certain the time was right, then sometimes, we felt we should wait longer. So, we waited, and waited some more. I had baby fever like none other, babies were coming into the world all around me, but I wanted to be sure I wanted a baby for me, and for my family and that the time was right, not just because everyone else was having babies. It was tough to tell myself no, but I did, and I'm glad for it too. Finally in August, we decided it was time to begin the journey to having a baby. I was ecstatic. The doctor told us it usually takes couples 8 months to get pregnant. It was hard to swallow that tidbit of info, but I am impatient. I just started praying. I just asked that when the time was right, that God would bless us with a baby, and that it would be His will for our life. At this time, our family and most of our friends didn't know we were trying for a baby. I did mention it to some of my prayer warrior friends, to get some prayers going to for us. It was hard keeping a secret. People kept asking and telling us we needed another one, and all we could say, was not yet. We were trying to patiently wait on God. Even though, we had made the decision, Chris still wasn't completely sure about it. Then, about two weeks before we found we were pregnant, he told me he was ready to have a baby. I can't tell you how it felt to hear those words come from him. I cried... I loved. At that moment, we both new the time was right, and now were just waiting on God.
Finally, after getting nauseous every evening at the same time, and just being completed exhausted, we found out on Monday Nov. 21 that we were expecting our second baby. I was completely surprised, because I sure didn't think I was pregnant...despite the symptoms I was feeling. I hadn't given up on getting pregnant, but I had decided to not let it take over my every thought, so I was surprised! Chris and I were super happy, and we couldn't wait to share the news. Of course, I texted a couple of my closet friends to share the news, but we had decided to wait until Christmas. Well, by Wednesday, we couldn't wait any longer, and revealed out news to Chris's family, and the church. On Thursday after telling my parents, we announced to the world of Facebook. Waiting on God's timing, makes everything right. Our preference is a boy, but as long as it's God's will and the baby is happy and healthy, we don't care. We are so in love with this new baby, and it's not very big at all. :) Now my prayers are still for God's will, and that we will have a great pregnancy along with a great labor and delivery day. So far things are going well, I get nauseous after eating, but so far, we're good on the morning sickness. Thankfully my sleeping has returned and I'm only craving popcorn. I have been thirstier than ever, so hydrating on water has become my thing, but I am loving every minute of it!
The goal of my blog now, is to continue to give my two cents on everything, but to also document how we're doing with the pregnancy, how we're adjusting and how Maddison is doing with the big sister thing. Right now, she doesn't really understand, but it's still early, and we're telling her, she's going to be a big sister. She will tell you that the baby is in mommy's tummy, and it's the sweetest thing. I can't wait til the day my children meet each other for the first time. I know Maddison it going to love her sibling like there's no tomorrow, and I know she's going to be a big help. She's a wonderful little girl and I think a baby brother or sister is just what she needs!
I am loving life and everything that goes with it. I really should be working on my Christmas decorations...because, you can't see my floor because of everything I have, but there's so much stuff, that I'm a little overwhelmed and have no idea where to begin. It will be a job I tackle after I put Maddion down for the night. Please continue to pray for us, as we open a new chapter to our lives, and I be sure to pray for you too. :) (As a little side note, we've decided to not reveal the name/names we have picked out for the baby, until we know the sex, and are for sure what we want to name him/her. Not sure when we'll tell, but I'll be sure everyone knows. We are open to suggestions though. :)
Have a wonderful night, and Gooo Gators! :)